As some of you have realized, there is a huge scramble for television watchers by everyone: Google Video, iTunes Video, YouTube and the networks are all scrambling to get their own delivery system that forces advertising on watchers.

TiVo reports its users skip 70% of commercials

Well I wish I had a way to skip over all the in-your-face advertising that ASAE does. We just got the magazine today and every other page is an advertisement. In addition to that, half the other material bundled with it was worthy of only one thing, the trash. So I just ask this, what is good advertising? Is perhaps the only effective method good ‘ol word of mouth? Well next week I am going to try and find out. I am going to a presentation by Andy Sernovitz, Founder and President Emeritus of the
Association for Interactive Marketing. Hopefully i’ll be able to give you more information then. For now, I know one thing. I love my tivo and I love my shredder.

Written by

Zachary Wilson

I enjoy reading & writing about the web and digital marketing. My day-to-day focuses on ensuring our clients have big wins. That begins with extraordinary website design and UX. The real exciting stuff is helping develop strategies to drive traffic (on-site page optimization) and help conversion rate optimization (getting new sales and / or customers). With all my “other” time, I enjoy exploring new adventures with my 3 daughters and wife.