Fires. Outside of San Diego they are raging! Well NPR sister station, KPBS, is using free social media tools to get information out to the public:

  • Google Map of the fire zones and information on what’s happening in each place
  • Twitter to dump updates for users to follow

Security woes. What’s the e-commerce of your site look like on the inside? Is it developed securely and has it been hacked? Look at what Google uncovers from your personal information on the web today!

Tangential stuff. A couple weeks ago our neighborhood hosted the annual Around The Coyote Festival during Chicago Artists Month. Yesterday I came across amazing Gorilla made from hangers and wanted to share it.

Lastly, i’m really growing tired of Firefox’s memory leaks. Almost 400 Mb, ugh. This has gotten really bad on the Mac and Windows. Safari is really showing me some great things in terms of speed and memory management, give Beta 3 a trial run.

Yes, it's true.  Firefox is not the low memory consumer it used to be.  Now it is on it's last leg on my computer.

Written by

Zachary Wilson

I enjoy reading & writing about the web and digital marketing. My day-to-day focuses on ensuring our clients have big wins. That begins with extraordinary website design and UX. The real exciting stuff is helping develop strategies to drive traffic (on-site page optimization) and help conversion rate optimization (getting new sales and / or customers). With all my “other” time, I enjoy exploring new adventures with my 3 daughters and wife.