Just wanted to acknowledge our one year anniversary of entering the blogging world for associations. We have had a great year!

I don't want to let this post go to waste, so it comes with a great tip that I learned from Mr. WOMMA himself, Andy Sernovitz. He suggested this technique to allow people to see who is talking about you in the bloggosphere and then you can identify any buzz (little or large) being created by what you are talking about. The tip is to use the Bloglines built in search to subscribe to a feed for your own blog! Here is our feed, for example. You can also use Google Blog Search for the same purpose…so now anytime someone you don't have a feed for posts something regarding your blog, you should be able to know about it right away!

This makes me think a bit, I think next week for my session on blogging and podcasting, I am going to have to make a top 10 list of must do's. I expect a session full of beginner bloggers.

Written by

Zachary Wilson

I enjoy reading & writing about the web and digital marketing. My day-to-day focuses on ensuring our clients have big wins. That begins with extraordinary website design and UX. The real exciting stuff is helping develop strategies to drive traffic (on-site page optimization) and help conversion rate optimization (getting new sales and / or customers). With all my “other” time, I enjoy exploring new adventures with my 3 daughters and wife.